In his words: “From the Gutter to the White House.”  My 1st *Podcast* is with Political Consultant Hank Sheinkopf, who has an amazing life story.  You can click here to listen or go to major sites like Spotify.

Sheinkopf talks Corona Virus, the Presidential Race, and American elected officials.

“Coronavirus, has changed the game of politics because for the first First time in a long time, the United States government has failed, failed significantly. And those failures are so evident because people are dying, and the failure of government, the federal government to function overall…. that slacks been taken up by local officials like Andrew Cuomo, and others and those there are those that have failed like, the mayor of the city of New York is a complete and utter failure. The inner capacity to manage a crisis tells us that what we’re doing really, is electing people who are almost pinup dolls, they don’t do the work. They’re not there to manage a crisis, but they’re there to get elected because they run campaigns done by people like me,  that somehow convince other people they should vote for them, when in fact, they’re not competent to do the work.”  -Hank Sheinopf