President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached a new high, even as likely voters favor Democrats by 9 points to lead Congress, a new poll from NBC News and The Wall Street Journal found.

The poll found that 47 percent of respondents approve of the job Trump is doing as president, while 49 percent disapprove. That is the best he has done in the NBC/WSJ poll since taking office. And it represents a major jump in the president’s popularity; the same poll found him with a 39 percent approval rating six months ago.

Although Democrats maintained a sizable lead among likely voters – 50 percent said they would prefer a Democrat-controlled Congress, and 41 percent would like to see the Republicans keep their majority – the poll found that Democrats’ advantage disappeared in the most competitive districts. In the hotly contested races, the party preference numbers are closer to even, the Journal reported.

Source: Donald Trump approval hits new high even as Dems lead in NBC/WSJ poll