WASHINGTON – George Conway, the husband to Kellyanne, one of the president’s closest advisers, went into depth in an interview Friday about his views on the president and his wife’s role in the White House.

George Conway, who has caught headlines for the last year or so over his comments and criticisms of the Trump administration, sat down with Yahoo for a taping of its podcast Skullduggery. 

Conway dished on everything from being considered for a position at the Justice Department as chief of the civil division, which would have included him fending off lawsuits for the Administration, to life at home with Kellyanne amid their differing political views.

“I don’t think she likes it,” Conway said of his wife and his constant public criticisms of the Trump administration. “But, I’ve told her, I don’t like the administration, so it’s even.”

Source: George Conway: Donald Trump administration is a ‘dumpster fire’