Social Media has become one of the greatest sources of news and information for people all over the world. It’s available to everyone at the touch of a button on their phone, making it faster than just about any other media. Not only has it changed the way people learn news, but it’s also changed the way news is created. The news industry has been changed forever thanks to outlets such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Although changes will continue to happen here are a few ways of how social media has changed journalism.


News Travels Fast

So many social media outlets allow news to be published at any time of day. There’s no more waiting for the morning newspaper to see what made the front-page headlines. As always, when news breaks journalists are the ones who have to break it. Social media has played a large role in how fast journalists have to break the news and the audience they will reach. Of course on social media, there will be multiple people sharing the same news but it’s more about what information you focus on and who of your followers will share it. Before receiving all of the news details many journalists send out blurbs with a strong headline explaining that more information is coming, leaving their audience wanting more as soon as possible.


Generated by Clicks

Journalists using social media have begun using advertisements to bring in readers that match their target audience. For example, on Facebook, they use an algorithm to decide which news articles will be distributed based on a user’s likes and interests. Just about all social media outlets allow the sharing of videos and stories where users can click through information from journalists they follow. With news being read and looked over by the click of a button it’s important for journalists to use the best words and delivery message to get their viewers and readers interested.


More Personal

Social media has helped journalists boost their reputation and interact with readers who share their thoughts and opinions. They are given the opportunity to have their own personal profile where they can weigh in on topics of their choice. Journalists no longer have to hide their face behind a newspaper on the last page. The audience is able to put a face to a name and get to know them on a level deeper than just a journalist. Social media has opened doors for all journalists to enjoy their work in a different way and grow within their career.