For the longest time, journalism delivered news through radio, television, and printed newspapers, among other media. With the advancement in technology, this is quickly changing. Technology is revitalizing how news is produced, delivered, and consumed across the world. Social media is quickly taking over traditional ways of providing news. You can now receive current news via online channels and social media platforms such as WhatsApp. Newspapers, magazines, and books do not have to be printed, as they are accessible online. This has had a positive impact on journalism in several ways:
Faster response to news
For instance, if a media house has some breaking news to report, all they have to do is use their social media accounts to pass the information, and it reaches a broader network of people within a much shorter time. In the older days, information would have taken a much longer time to get to the consumers. For example, newspaper readers would have to read the paper in the morning, probably many hours after the occurrence. People can receive the news and even share their sentiments and ideas.
Low production cost
It is much cheaper to produce e-papers and books as compared to physical printing. It also saves the environment, as less paper is required. The use of social media is also relatively cheap, even for consumers. It is way affordable to own a smartphone than a television.
High mobility of news
You can now access current news from wherever you are at a particular time. You do not have to wait till you get home to watch television or till morning to buy a newspaper. All you need is a smartphone! You can access news even if you are on the move in the subway.
Worldwide access to news
It was challenging to know what was happening in other parts of the world in the older days. Today, it is possible to know what is happening in different countries and even continents in real-time, so long as they have access to the internet.
The advantages of technology in journalism are countless. Technology is not here to overtake journalism. It provides more practical ways for journalists to connect with their various target audiences most appropriately.