Sean Pica is the tireless Executive Director of Hudson Link. Hudson Link makes it possible for inmates to receive a college education without using a dime of taxpayer money. Gutting this house and rebuilding it, has been their next step. Inside the property, and surrounded by wood framing that will soon be sheet-rocked, Pica was so excited that he sounded like a kid in a candy store. He was wearing his Hudson Link get down to work on this house tee-shirt.

“You can not envision the importance of a safe bed until you have lived on the streets, and when you leave prison, technically your homeless. So when you walk out of that place after 15, 18, 20 years in prison, an education isn’t enough. You need a place to go and you need a team to support you while you do it.” Hudson Link Executive Director Sean Pica

Source: Hudson Link: When a House is much more than a Home | LinkedIn